National Library Board

The Challenge
We receive and share lots of information daily through social media, chat groups and email. Some of these information can be alarming and harmful, created with ill intentions, and we sometimes share these unwittingly either out of good intentions, or because they came from people we trust.
For this campaign, NLB's ask was for a set of prebunking content which involves being educated about misinformation beforehand, to instil a critical and awareness-driven mindset, and to build media literacy. This can be compared to inoculation against a disease. Essentially, prebunking prevents us from falling for misinformation in the first place.
Since fake news is created by people with harmful intentions, we created a symbolic malicious character, who delights in creating chaos and spreading fake news. This is to create a visual reminder when readers are presented with news that they feel compelled to share, pause before sharing and visit the NLB S.U.R.E. site to check the veracity of the news. Knowledge is the way to stop fake news from spreading.
A malicious character that seeks to spread harmful fake news tailored to different target audience. In each scenario, the prebunking messages have been cleverly inserted to encourage the receiver to pause, read and take the necessary action for verification. By doing so, the receiver can prevent the spread of fake news and thwart the attempt to cause harm.
Please get in touch to find out more.